What is e-Parcel ?
e-Parcel is an epoch-making electronic delivery service for distributing large-volume data via the Internet easily, safely, securely at low cost and high security level equivalent to that of dedicated lines.
About products of e-Parcel Secure Enterprise
1. World's leading-edge confidentiality
In order to specialize in delivering electronic data and to provide quality service stably globally, the state-of-the-art security technology in the world is supplied to e-Parcel system.
2. High reliability proved by the actual achievement
Since foundation in 1996, our company has been specializing in data delivery service by the Internet consistently, and has been made continuous effort to improve quality of service.
3. Global high-speed delivery network
e-Parcel Corporation globally set up the e-Parcel Data Delivery Servers in cooperation with overseas major data center.
4. Adopted by major company in Japan and abroad
e-Parcel provides the highest security for business use and business automation (for efficiency improvement) via the low-cost Internet. It is favored by a large number of global companies.
5. Advantages of e-Parcel adoption in business
e-Parcel is an epoch-making electronic delivery service for distributing large-volume data via the Internet easily, safely, securely at low cost and high security level equivalent to that of dedicated lines.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact our sales division or representatives by e-mail at
*The inquiry form on this Web site is also available.