What is e-Parcel ?
5. Advantages of e-Parcel Adoption in Business
e-Parcel is an epoch-making electronic delivery service for distributing large-volume data via the Internet easily, safely, securely at low cost and high security level equivalent to that of dedicated lines. |
Advantages of e-Parcel Adoption in Business strong> |
Drastic reduction |
Realization of more efficient and faster business operation and complete digital workflow |
Remarkable improvement of information sharing and communications among the parties concerned |
Expediting business and enhancing the adaptability to changes |
Reinforcing the international competitiveness of the company |
Compliance with Private Information Protection Law |
e-Parcel Corporation is an electronic logistics company which has introduced electronic data delivery as a replacement of physical distribution by the various global distribution companies that manage the physical logistics around the world. The operation as simple as e-mail transmission allows you to deliver digital data in a cheaper, safer, faster and securer way than physical distribution. |
The greatest advantage to the customers using e-Parcel is the cost-effectiveness; neither the sender nor the receiver needs to newly add any special hardware. Simple installation of the software gives full play to e-Parcel abilities, allowing virtual construction of an infrastructure for secure communications with any e-Parcel users around the world in the Internet environment, regardless of the type of line used, i.e., dial-up, ISDN, ADSL, optical or LAN. |
e-Parcel also pursues user-friendliness of its software. Its operation is just as easy as e-mailing. You can start using it immediately without any special training, and diffuse it promptly and on a large scale to a wide range of people concerned within and outside your company. |